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How Much Does Therapy Cost?

Like the services we provide, we intentionally created a team that meets the variety of needs you and your family are experiencing. With that in mind, the fee for a 50-minute session ranges between $100-$135, depending on clinician.

A majority of clients prefer to pay using IVY Pay, a secure no-hassle method that allows you to keep your credit card on file. This way you can focus on your session and not have to worry about stopping by an ATM or remembering your checkbook.

If you need to pay by cash or check, please speak with your therapist and arrangements can be made.

Also, if you would like to seek reimbursement through insurance we are happy to provide any paperwork necessary for you to do so.

Is The Cost Worth It?

The cost of therapy initially might seem high. However, research suggests that most people can reach their therapeutic goals in about 8-12 sessions. While there are no guarantees, people often experiencing meaningful change with concentrated effort. So, for the price of one major car repair you can invest in yourself and your relationship, helping you to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Not to mention, improved communication and less stress often result in better physical and mental health. Like your car, making necessary repairs now may save you from more costly expenses later.

What Can I Expect from Therapy?

Generally, people can expect to change, if they are willing to put forth the work necessary. Also, problems generally do not appear overnight and solutions to those problems generally take time. Do not expect an immediate fix. The primary goal in therapy is to create a warm and safe environment where people can explore the things that are holding them back and contributing to the problems they are experiencing. It is our belief that exploration in such an environment is a key to facilitating change.

You can also expect our therapists to be authentic and transparent. We are willing to answer any questions you have because we believe that the most important aspect of the therapeutic process is the relationship between the therapist and the client. Therefore, please do not hesitate to ask questions or discuss any part of the counseling process with your therapist.

When Should I Seek Therapy?

Most people seek therapy when they are no longer functioning at the level they desire, whether professionally, personally, emotionally, or within their relationships. It is never too soon to seek therapy. Research indicates that most people wait too long to seek help from a trained professional. By this time problems generally are entrenched and much more difficult to change.

How Long Does Therapy Typically Last?

The length of therapy depends on a variety of different factors. For example:

  • Severity of the problem (how long has the problem been around)
  • Nature of the problem
  • Your own willingness to work on the problem
  • Your desired outcome (i.e., level of resolution you desire)
  • How many sessions your insurance company provides

Since these factors vary based on each individual situation it is hard to predict how long therapy will last. While some clients come for an extended period of time, other clients just need two or three sessions to get “back on track.” On average, most clients attend approximately 8-12 sessions.

What Are Some Benefits of Seeking Therapy?

The benefits associated with therapy are numerous. Here are some research findings about the effectiveness of marriage therapy:

  • Those seeking marital therapy are 84% better off than those that don’t*
  • Changes made in therapy usually are present at follow-up*
  • Marriage therapy produces change in 40-50% of cases which is more effective than most medical interventions*

*Reference: Shadish, W. R., & Baldwin, S. A. (2002). Meta-analysis of MFT interventions. In D. H. Sprenkle (Ed.), Effectiveness research in marriage and family therapy (pp. 339-370). Alexandria, VA: American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.

Other benefits include:

  • Understanding yourself better
  • Finding new ways to cope with old problems
  • Increasing your self-esteem and your confidence
  • Increasing your ability to connect with other people, especially your loved ones
  • Filling more happiness and satisfaction in your life and your relationships.

Do You Accept Insurance? How Can I Get Reimbursed?

When dealing with insurance companies there is a variety of different ways to be reimbursed. If the therapist that you would like to work with is not on your insurance panel, there are still ways to be reimbursed. We are happy to provide you with any and all paperwork you’ll need in order to get reimbursed.

Also, most HSA accounts can be used for therapy services.

Please speak with your therapist to determine what options are available regarding your specific insurance needs.

Some important questions to ask your insurance company are:

  • Does my plan include mental health benefits?
  • How many sessions a year are included in my plan?
  • Do I need to meet a deductible before reimbursement occurs?
  • Is there a limit on how much you’ll pay per session?
  • How much do you reimburse for an out-of-network provider?
  • Do I need authorization from my Primary Care Provider?

Is Therapy Confidential?

Information shared in therapy is considered privileged communication. There are, however, a few things that require a therapist to disclose information, with or without the consent of the client. North Carolina law and ethical practice requires our therapists to notify appropriate state agencies if we suspect or know of:

  • Child abuse
  • Abuse to an elderly or disabled person
  • Eminent danger to yourself and/or another person
  • If they are subpoenaed by a court of law

In matters where disclosure is not authorized or required by law, confidential information will not be released without your written authorization.